We were wandering around the streets of the old town and came across this lovely church – so paid us €3 each to go in… The church itself was lovely but the added bonus was a little museum at the back of beautiful artworks, some dating back to as far as the 16th century…
I’m a sucker for a nice oil painting but was also particularly taken with the unusual depiction of Jesus’s Crucifixion…
We went upstairs where there was a lovely little exhibition and (yet another !!!) nativity – this time (if you look closely in Piccie 3 below) not only with shepherds going to visit the Baby Jesus – but some bagpipers too !!!
And there was a glass section in the floor – looking down onto a little chapel – it reminded me of going to Blackpool Tower with Dave & the kids in 2004 – and Dave wouldn’t stand on THAT glass floor either !!! 😂

- Location: 43° 19′ 25.75″ N 1° 59′ 11.51″ W